Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Don Corleone.

i was just lazyin' around when i get to thinkin,

i, ainnur rahela abdul rahim, have got sooooooo much to learn.

where do i start, where do i finish?
will everything even fit?
wtf would i do with it?
when do i decide,
that ive seen enough?
is there good is there evil.
most importantly,
at the end of the day,
why should i believe what ive learned, anyway?

and this has got nothin to do with the exam ever. dont get me started on that.


i have a dilemma.

my name. the one that i tolerate with. i mean stuck with. yeah that one. well. how do i spell it, for god's sake?

  1. not
  2. knot
  3. naught
  4. nod
  5. nodd
  6. nottiedahottie

if u asked me i'd say no. 6. :p

(stop spelling my name however u want, u guys! demmit. decide one. whichever one.)


i have a (new) dilemma.

raya is on the 24th..
exam, on the next 7th..
REGENER4TE on the 28th!!

smack dab in the middle.
another question with obvious solution.

shall we crucify 'technicalities' to make way for 5 hours of earthly pleasure (boogie-ing) ?

ashrup, mi amor, what will it be?

ps : i personally love whoever's reading this. I Love You and selamat hari raya to you.


Anonymous said...

i love u too

Amar B. said...

adeh, no 3 tuh sirname aku.

Sanitoria Naught.


anyway, aku nak panggil rahe. amacam? yo rahe!!(cubaan mesra)

Khalisa Ridzuan said...

as a blogger wanna wish "selamat hari raya toO"..=)

ainnurista said...

amar, ikan dan lisa...
kite tak pernah beraye bersame.
lets celebrate raye in melaka on the 28th together2?

Anonymous said...

selamat hari raya!!

xyah la susa2 pasal name tu.

ainnurista said...

ces. suggestion yag aku mintak, rahe je aku dpt.
aku kecewa dgn kamu wahai amar dan efa.apetah lagi ikan.

Amar B. said...

suggestion yg kau mahukan, itulah yang kau dapat. tidak lebih, tidak kurang, wahai rahe.

tu yang aku cakap raye taun nih tema kale ijau. mmg kite akan beraya bersama, tapi... bukan di melake. di rumah aku pada raya ke-10. harap datang!!

ILynn Virgobiru said...

hai nottiedahottie!!!!

selamat hari raya!!
jaga kesihatan
drive carefully
maaf zahir batin =)

Anonymous said...

heh no.6 tu die boh sendiri.xde sape letakkan kat die la.sangke la sungguh~

selamat hari raye!

ainnurista said...

amar. nape name surname ko Naught? ko suke aku ye dalam diam2??

Sanitoria Naught. cam bley makan. edible.nyum.

aik? efa.malu plak ke?
bukan ko ke yg bagi name aku nottiedahottie tu??
*blinking innocently*

Anonymous said...

apa kata pggl kau ain..

tp mcm x kne..

kata mntak suggestion

ain ain ain

shabear pggl ash(xde kaetan)

ainnurista said...

ala tanak ain.nehi.ainnur bley.

aku tanye euggestion nak eje name, not suggestion on another name.ive had enuff.

tapi ikan, yg xde kene mengena tu aku stuju. shabear panggil ash haha. atau abu.hmm.

Adam Mohd Juni said...

selamat hari raya..

ikan bermaen dgn api.


Amar B. said...

nottiedanoticeboard.<--nadia pesan

faridfadhly said...

selamat hari raye mute audio

Anonymous said...

hehe aku suke nama nadia pesan itu.

ainnurista said...

ceh korang semua.

anyway slamat ari raya maaf zahir dan batin.

liLMafia said...

klakar lah nad..

babe eja lah name u camner pon
atleast it sounds the same...

y dont we call u babe...
we all call u babe.. :P

and name aku pon ko nak bagi nick name ker ikan... mu dok ade kejo po..

selamat hari raya every one..
maaf zahir dan batin...

Alia Burhanuddin said...

hmm,aku nak panggil kau mulai saat ini,itulah ejaan nama kau.N-O-D-T.sila hafal dan praktikkan.

kepala geng,