Semalam i met this guy. Christopher Walken. the actor who danced in Fatboy Slim Weapon of Choice music video. and previosly appeared in Click.
ok i didnt exactly met him. i met sumone who looked like him. seriously the resemblance is uncanny. rambut la laen sket.
i went to his house in ampang with shabir. supposedly a quick visit. just to pick up my mom and chow. but we were stuck there for 2hours. had milo with this man. he's a lecturer wuddaya expect? he was a former head judge of mahkamah syariah too.
dia bukak cite. as usual about studies. he told us he was under Eisenhower Scholarship and studied in the US. wah. i thought that kind of scholarship only exists in hollywood movies (thats how farfetch i am from it). he instantly became my hero.
and of course, politics. he was looking at shabir and his 2 o'clock shadow beard and said, " it must be difficult for u to get into the US." hehe shabir tesengih n buat muke tak puas ati.
"that's why la..they should lift up the security a lil' bit. its unfair to label all muslim as terrorists. this is injustice! "kate shabir dgn bsemangatnye.
but my uncle said the americans are not to be blamed. i mean about tightening the security. he said that 9/11 was the first time, ever, theyve been phsically attacked. their previous attack was only attempted by the Red Indian. and that was centuries ago. "so its only natural for them to act this way," he said.
at one point he was praising osama, but im not saying about what.
we are all americanised, he said. look at ur tshirt and ur hair, he pointed at shabir. pakistanis dont wear tshirts like that. and you,(me?) ur hair, org melayu dulu2 buat siput je kat rambut..even i, he raised his fork n knife (he was eating pizza), even im eating pizza! heh heh. hehe i and shabir laugh along. ingat nak kene marah tadi.
hmm, so..
dia ckp american conquer us thru culture.(we all knew that)
n that thruout history(catholic vs protestant war) christian lagi ganass dr islam.(i knew that)
and jews are the most hardworkin and humble donkeys.we should follow their work ethics.(hmm ok)
and that dia kawen ngn wife baru dia mas kawen rm280k x kuar brite pon.(i did not kno that)<---we were talkin bout malay latest obsession.
what i dint know is, there's a law in malaysia saying a malay cannot convert into other religion (legally), without denouncing his/her a malay. kire kalo xmo jadi islam xbley jd melayu la. tu je.
xde keje nye we all nak potong kepala budak2 tu,kate pakcik-ku.
kalo xjd melayu xdpt la privileges org melayu yg belambak kt malaysia ni. unless u gonna migrate overseas.
ramai gak yg xjd murtad pas dgr ni, my uncle said.
n malaysia is the 1st country in the world to have this law in our constitution. hmm. then israel copied us, i think. thats why u can only be a jew to be an israelite.
most of the facts up there i already knew (but not in details) thru watchin movies. hollywood movies. so could 'americanisation' be a good thing?
and yes i know the answer.
i'd love to meet that 'walken'. mesti seronok. aku suke jumpe org camtuh. hmm...
yes we're all amaricanised but what can we do about it?
ade satu ari tuh aku tgk berita ade this one prime minister dr negara apa ntah wat lawatan kat malaysia, die pakai baju melayu tgh salam pak lah yg pakai blazer. sedey...
name walken sbenar adelah tan sri muhammad azmi bin -taktau-nanti raye kte g umah dia.
paklah was tryin to return the gesture kot.ko-pakai-baju-aku-aku-pkai-bju-ko sort o thing (percubaan menyedapkan ati)
haha...(gelak sambik menghisap rokok camel yg dibli oleh 'abg' room mate ku, rokok camel yg tiada filter. sunguh meyakiti dada)
ur uncle look like walken, speak like him, lough pun like him..
i wish we had a camera that time...
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